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All focus for the last 2 months has been getting ready for the upcoming Farm Chicks Show. In the last couple of weeks Beth and I have painted, waxed,drilled,hammered,glued, and made signs all for the show. I honestly cant believe all the preparation it takes. Oh yes and I managed to get a really nice sunburn on my back. No I couldn't stop to put sunscreen on. What was I thinking. Manic anyone. Unfortunately we will be missing a very important member of our road crew, my sister Pam. Who's going to cover for us when we need a potty break or talk us down when we had one too many coffee's? She definitely balances us out. Oh well I guess we will have to deal with it. For the second year in a row my Bobby is towing the trailer. I swear, I have know idea what I did to deserve him. Poor Bob with the amount of stuff he gets asked to do I think he thinks that he has two girlfriends. Does "Threes Company" ring any bells? Based on last years adventure we have decided to establish some "Road Rules" which I will share with you.

1. 30 minutes in each thrift store. Thirty minutes does not mean 1 hour.
2. No back seat driving
3.Know where the map is at all times!
4.No trying to out run each other in the thrift stores
5.Don't get bit by any roadside critters (squirrels). This means you Beth.
6. You will be allotted 15 minutes to feed any wild animals. This means you Beth.
7.Transportation manager (Bob) controls the stereo.
8. NO WHINING ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Remove all debris at pit stops required.(candy wrappers) This means you Vicki
10. Have a great time and don't sweat the small stuff.

Well it's time to say goodbye for now. Hope to see you at the Farm Chicks.

Peace, Love and Happy Trails.


Maison Douce said…
Iwould add: " do not let the gas tank get so low that you may not make it to the next gas station, because chances are someone will suffer ~ usually the driver..."
See you there!!

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